Posted tagged ‘religion’

Modern Christian Mythology: Ritual Satanic Abuse in the ’80’s

July 7, 2010

Modern Christian Mythology: Ritual Satanic Abuse in the ’80’s

Remember the 1980’s, when pretty much everyone in America was either abused by or accused of being in a satanic cult? And Ronald Reagan was in office, too. Ah, good times. It all seems to track back to 1980, which saw the publication of a book entitled, Michelle Remembers. Michelle Remembers contained the supposed “recovered memories” of satanic ritual abuse by it’s author, Michelle Smith. Once published, it caught on like wild fire among evangelical Christian circles, and it started a wave of “recovered memories” all across the nation. The book has since been pretty thoroughly discredited for containing uncorroborated events and highly unlikely scenarios (hey, when the Church of Satan threatens to sue for libel, it’s pretty bad). But, at the time, no one seemed even remotely interested in questioning the book and it was viewed as an accurate testimonial of a victim of a secret nationwide underground ring of satanists groups that were continually killing babies and sacrificing animals (and, of course, continuously re-hiding the remains so they would never be found). Several other books were published in it’s aftermath, most where also discredited.

Not only where the existence of these satanic cults called into question, but the entire practice of “recovered memories” and the use of hypnosis in therapy was ended by all credible therapists. For a couple of light reading books about the belief in recovered memories and the chaotic mess sloppy investigation can cause, see Remembering Satan and Abducted: How People Come to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens. And, of course, there’s also the Salem Witch trials, which should always be kept fresh in our minds.

Exorcism Poll

March 2, 2009

I’ve just seen a news article that says that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal had not only attended, but participated in the exorcism of a close friend while in college. And I thought Sara Palin was religious!

So, apparently, the devil is alive and well … and he’s showing it by being mildly annoying to people. He gets inside people and makes them act like idiots. Behold, the amazing power of the devil!

Anyway, here’s a poll. Enjoy!

Holy Recession?

February 27, 2009

The economy isn’t the only thing in the toilet, church attendance is taking a dump as well. In the 2006 to 2007 calendar year, the Catholic Church lost 398,000 members in the United States (0.59%). Out of the 25 top churches in the US, 21 are either stagnant or decreasing in membership.

But it’s not all “good news”, the Church of JC of LDS increased by 1.6%.

According to this article, Wicca is the fastest growing religion in America but, as with their religion, the details seem to be rather fuzzy.

The Moral Monkey

February 17, 2009

The Times Online has an article on some recent studies that show that monkeys and apes have morals. Well, what do you know. Now all us simians have something more to talk about at our family reunions!

“In a series of studies scientists have found that monkeys and apes can make judgments about fairness, offer altruistic help and empathize when a fellow animal is ill or in difficulties. They even appear to have consciences and the ability to remember obligations. “

This is more than some humans I have known.

I really think these monkeys should be applauded. They have successfully developed a sense of morals without a god belief.

“The research implies that morality is not a uniquely human quality and suggests it arose through evolution. That could mean the strength of our consciences is partly determined by our genes. “

Preaching to the choir, here.

“Such findings are likely to antagonize fundamentalist religious groups.”

Well, I hate to be pessimistic, but that’s not too hard to do. They get pissed at the tiniest things.

Why Does Ray Comfort Think It’s Ok to Lie?

February 16, 2009

In his new book, You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence But You Can’t Make Him Think, Ray Comfort makes the assertion:

Darwin was nothing but a blatant racist, a bigot of a man, who held to the belief that black people are inferior to whites. (p. 20)

All the evidence we have about Darwin says exactly the opposite. He went against the zeitgeist of his day by saying that slavery was an unjust and racist practice. There is much more evidence of Darwin’s progressive views in this letters. And it’s evidence Ray Comfort has the ability to get for himself. So, is Ray Comfort lying on purpose? I’m not sure. I don’t put it beyond him, but he also made that really stupid banana video. Apparently he can’t tell the difference between a cross bread cultivated banana and the handiwork of an imaginary being.

So, why does Ray think it’s ok to lie? He claims he is attempting to attack sin, but his methods are far from honest. I’ve seen this type of tactic with other proseltizing Christians as well. They will lie, cheat, and steal to get souls; it’s a dishonest method that does not make me trust them.

and now … a much better video